For a lot of people the start of a new year means getting in better shape; and oftentimes a big part of this plan is a change in diet. These days it seems like there are more diets than Jelly Belly flavors, and who really has the time to try them all? Earlier this year U.S. News released their list of the "top diets for 2015". We were shocked to not only see so many diets we've never even heard of make this "list", but also where certain diets ended up being ranked and their reason for being "ranked" so low.
1. DASH Diet DASH was developed to fight high blood pressure, not as an all-purpose diet. But it certainly looked like an all-star to our panel of experts, who gave it high marks for its nutritional completeness, safety, ability to prevent or control diabetes, and role in supporting heart health. Though obscure, it beat out a field full of better-known diets.
Overall score: 4.1 out of 5 -
2. TLC DietTherapeutic Lifestyle Changes, or TLC, is a very solid diet plan created by the National Institutes of Health. It has no major weaknesses, and it's particularly good at promoting cardiovascular health. One expert described it as a “very healthful, complete, safe diet.” But it requires a “do-it-yourself” approach, in contrast to the hand-holding provided by some commercial diets.
Overall score: 4 out of 5 -
3. (Tie) Mayo Clinic DietThis is the Mayo Clinic’s take on how to make healthy eating a lifelong habit. It earned especially high ratings from our experts for its nutrition and safety and as a tool against diabetes. Experts found it moderately effective for weight loss.
Overall score: 3.9 out of 5 -
3. (Tie) Mediterranean DietWith its emphasis on fruits and vegetables, olive oil, fish, and other healthy fare, the Mediterranean diet is eminently sensible. And experts' assessments of it were resoundingly positive, giving this diet an edge over many competitors.
Overall score: 3.9 out of 5 -
3. (Tie) Weight Watchers DietWeight Watchers is a smart, effective diet. It surpassed other commercial diet plans in multiple areas, including short- and long-term weight loss and how easy it is to follow. It’s also nutritionally sound and safe, according to experts. Among its pluses: an emphasis on group support, lots of fruits and vegetables and room for occasional indulgences.
Overall score: 3.9 out of 5 -
6. (Tie) Flexitarian DietThe Flexitarian diet outperformed many of its competitors, with particularly high scores in nutritional completeness, easiness to follow and long-term weight loss. One panelist noted that this diet is "a nice approach that could work for the whole family," and another described it as a "very good" plan.
Overall score: 3.8 out of 5 -
6. (Tie) Volumetrics DietVolumetrics outperformed its competitors in many categories. It earned particularly high marks for being safe and nutritious, and experts said it could have a positive effect on heart health and diabetes. "This is an eating plan that everyone can benefit from," one expert said.
Overall score: 3.8 out of 5 -
8. Jenny Craig DietJenny Craig drew praise from experts for being easy to follow, nutritionally complete and safe and for offering dieters emotional support. But these experts were lukewarm about its potential to bolster heart health or help diabetics. Experts also noted that Jenny Craig’s cost could be a roadblock for some.
Overall score: 3.7 out of 5 -
9. (Tie) Biggest Loser DietThe Biggest Loser diet received high marks for short-term weight loss, safety and soundness as a regimen for diabetes, and it was rated moderately effective for heart health. But many panelists felt that in a sea of diets, it’s not overly special, and one said it's merely "capitalizing on the name" of the popular TV show.
Overall score: 3.6 out of 5 -
9. (Tie) Ornish DietThe Ornish diet got a mixed reaction from experts. On one hand, it’s nutritionally sound, safe, and tremendously heart-healthy. On the other, it’s not easy for dieters to adhere to the severe fat restriction the diet demands.
Overall score: 3.6 out of 5 -
11. (Tie) Traditional Asian DietThe Asian diet is a reasonable choice for an eating pattern, landing around the middle of the pack of ranked diets. Experts handed out high marks in nutrition and safety, but doubted the plan’s ability to deliver short- or long-term weight loss.
Overall score: 3.5 out of 5 -
11. (Tie) Vegetarian DietAs a health diet, vegetarianism is solid. It's decent at producing rapid weight loss, according to experts, and is strong in other areas, such as heart health and nutritional completeness, that arguably are more important.
Overall score: 3.5 out of 5 -
13. (Tie) Anti-Inflammatory DietWhile the Anti-Inflammatory diet itself is nutritionally sound, experts expressed concern. "Most Americans would benefit from adopting many of these principles, especially increasing fruits and vegetables," one expert said. "What is lacking is scientific evidence that this diet will reduce inflammation in the body and that weight loss results from following it."
Overall score: 3.3 out of 5 -
13. (Tie) Slim-FastSlim-Fast is a reasonable approach to dieting, experts concluded. It outscored a number of competitors on weight loss and as a diabetes diet, and being highly structured, it’s fairly easy to follow. But it scored lower than many other diets on heart health.
Overall score: 3.3 out of 5 -
13. (Tie) Spark Solution DietThe Spark Solution diet is designed around nutritious, reduced-calorie meals that optimize your metabolism, along with a regular fitness routine. Though it’s not particularly novel, it's a sensible diet, and there's a good chance it will help you lose weight and keep it off. It's a "comprehensive program that can lead to healthier eating behaviors," one expert said.
Overall score: 3.3 out of 5 -
16. (Tie) Flat Belly DietThe Flat Belly diet landed in the middle of the pack because most of its scores from the experts were right around average. It did get high marks in safety and nutrition.
Overall score: 3.2 out of 5 -
16. (Tie) HMR DietThe HMR Diet received moderate scores in most measures. It did particularly well in categories such as short-term weight loss, nutrition, safety and healthiness. Still, some experts weren't convinced the costly meal-replacement program is necessary. "I would only suggest this under extreme circumstances," one said. "It's very expensive and not practical for most people."
Overall score: 3.2 out of 5 -
16. (Tie) NutrisystemNutrisystem sits near the middle of the standings. It's quite safe, easier to follow than many other diets and has few nutritional deficiencies, according to experts. As a heart diet, it's off the mark.
Overall score: 3.2 out of 5 -
19. (Tie) Abs DietThe experts found the Abs diet moderately effective for quick weight loss and middle of the road in most other respects. They took issue with the company's claim that dieters can drop up to 12 pounds of belly fat in two weeks and questioned the evidence behind some of its tactics.
Overall score: 3 out of 5 -
19. (Tie) Engine 2 DietExperts handed out a below-average 3 stars to the Engine 2 Diet. Though they acknowledged its benefits for heart health and diabetes control and prevention, they faulted the program for being unnecessarily restrictive and "gimmicky," and called for more research into some of its claims. "I fail to see anything unique, innovative or useful with this diet," one expert said.
Overall score: 3 out of 5 -
19. (Tie) South Beach DietAlthough the South Beach Diet earned positive ratings for being able to produce rapid weight loss, its restrictions can make it difficult for dieters to keep the pounds off, experts said. Most were less enthusiastic about its ability to combat diabetes or heart disease.
Overall score: 3 out of 5 -
19. (Tie) Vegan DietOverall, the health experts were lukewarm on veganism despite giving it fairly high marks as a diabetes or heart disease diet. It is extremely restrictive, doesn't offer built-in social support and may not provide enough of some nutrients.
Overall score: 3 out of 5 -
24. (Tie) Zone DietThe Zone Diet lagged behind higher-ranked diets, if not always by much, in nearly all ratings categories, including weight loss, how easy it is to follow and its effect on diabetes and heart health. It’s "unnecessary and tedious to structure every meal around specific macronutrient thresholds," according to one expert; another stated there is "no magic with the diet."
Overall score: 2.9 out of 5 -
24. (Tie) Eco-Atkins DietOne expert summed up Eco-Atkins as a "healthier version of the Atkins diet, but compliance is likely to be more difficult." That's because it’s restrictive and little guidance is available.
Overall score: 2.9 out of 5 -
24. (Tie) Glycemic-Index DietExperts were less than impressed with the glycemic-index diet, which distinguishes "good" carbs from "bad." They scored it particularly low on long-term weight loss, heart benefits, and ease of adherence. Although the diet's ratings in nutrition and safety were relatively strong, they couldn't push the diet out of the lower third of the pack.
Overall score: 2.9 out of 5 -
26. (Tie) Macrobiotic DietExperts gave little credence to the macrobiotic diet on several counts: Following the plan is a challenge. It's an extreme change from the standard American diet. And it's awfully strict. The macrobiotic approach, one expert summed up, is "a mix of sound dietary guidance, mysticism, folklore and nonsense."
Overall score: 2.7 out of 5 -
26. (Tie) MedifastExperts were likewise unenthused about Medifast. It scored above average in short-term weight loss but was dragged down by lower marks in most other categories.
Overall score: 2.7 out of 5 -
28. (Tie) Acid Alkaline DietThe Acid Alkaline diet's premise is that by helping your body control your pH through diet, you’ll gain health and longevity. pH is a measure of acids and alkalines throughout the body on a 0 to 14 scale, and supporters argue that eating acid-forming foods -- like red meat -- tips your pH balance out of whack and sets the stage for poor health. But don’t hold your breath for this diet to work. It's "ridiculous and poorly researched," one expert said. "It's not based on science."
Overall score: 2.6 out of 5 -
28. (Tie) Supercharged Hormone DietExperts were not eager to recommend the Supercharged Hormone Diet, which received mediocre marks in all categories. It performed particularly poorly in areas such as easiness to follow; long-term weight loss; nutrition; and effect on diabetes and heart health. "The premise of this diet is ridiculous – and it doesn't promote long-term weight loss or improved eating behavior," one expert concluded.
Overall score: 2.6 out of 5 -
30. (Tie) Body Reset DietExperts were unenthusiastic about the Body Reset Diet, which received mediocre marks in all categories. It performed particularly poorly in areas such as long-term weight loss and easiness to follow. "It's a gimmick -- an unhealthy weight loss diet," one expert noted. "It's not a way of sustainable eating."
Overall score: 2.5 out of 5 -
30. (Tie) The Fast DietThis pattern of eating is often referred to as the 5:2 diet -- you eat normally for five days of the week and cut your calories to about 25 percent of normal intake on two nonconsecutive days of the week. Men consume just 600 calories on their two weekly fast days, while women are limited to 500 calories. Not surprisingly, the experts had plenty of concerns, and the Fast Diet landed toward the bottom of the Best Diets Overall rankings.
Overall score: 2.5 out of 5 -
32. (Tie) Atkins DietMany of our experts found the popular low-carb Atkins diet leaves much to be desired, at least as an all-purpose diet. Although our expert panel concluded that it could outperform nearly all of its competitors in short-term weight loss, unfavorable marks in other measures -- including long-term weight loss, nutrition, safety and heart health -- yanked down Atkins in the standings.
Overall score: 2.3 out of 5 -
32. (Tie) Raw Food DietThe experts conferred solid marks on the raw food diet for weight loss, both short- and long-term, but considered it all but impossible to follow and its nutritional completeness and safety were concerns. "Doing it well involves considerable commitment and effort, knowledge and sacrifice," one expert said. "And there are diets that require less of all these that are likely to be just as healthful."
Overall score: 2.3 out of 5 -
34. (Tie) Dukan DietExperts sent the Dukan diet to the bottom, handing out dismal ratings in nearly every category. Its overall score was more than a full star below average. It’s too restrictive, with lots of rules, and there’s no evidence it works. One expert described the diet as "idiotic."
Overall score: 2 out of 5 -
34. (Tie) Paleo DietExperts took issue with the paleo diet on every measure. Regardless of the goal -- weight loss, heart health or finding a diet that’s easy to follow -- most experts concluded that it would be better for dieters to look elsewhere. “A true paleo diet might be a great option: very lean, pure meats, lots of wild plants,” said one expert – quickly adding, however, that duplicating such a regimen in modern times would be difficult.
Overall score: 2 out of 5
Did your diet make the list, where did it rank, did any of the rankings surprise you? If so be sure to leave your comments below.
This article was originally published by Huffington Post.