14 Burpee Variations You Need To Try

The poor burpee always seems to get a bad rap, with everyone seeming to hate it with a passion. Take a chance and spice up your relationship with the burpee by trying one (or all) of these 14 burpee variations. Who knows, maybe you'll fall in love! 

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The 3 Best and 3 Worst CrossFit Workouts

Not all WODs are created equal. Just because a workout "kicks your ass" doesn't mean it's benefited you, or helped you in any way to become stronger, faster, fitter, etc. Sometimes those WODs that break you down are actually doing more harm than good. Breaking Muscle has scoured through hundreds of WODs and they've figured out The 3 Best and 3 Worst CrossFit Workouts.

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WOD Mechanics: 8 Easy Fixes to PR Your Fran Time

"What's your Fran time?" This question is asked in CrossFit boxes from New York to New Zealand and everywhere in between. Fran is one of those special WODs that pushes you to your physical and mental limits; and where shaving off even 1 second is a huge success. Try applying these 8 easy fixes to your training and see if you can PR the next time you do Fran.

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5 Reasons To Stop Hating Burpees

Burpees, the mention of it alone can ruin your day. Seen as the equivalent of a four letter word the burpee is always the most hated part of any WOD. But hate is such a strong and negative feeling and does the burpee really deserve this?

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