WOD Mechanics: 8 Easy Fixes to PR Your Fran Time

"What's your Fran time?" This question is asked in CrossFit boxes from New York to New Zealand and everywhere in between. Fran is one of those special WODs that pushes you to your physical and mental limits; and where shaving off even 1 second is a huge success. Try applying these 8 easy fixes to your training and see if you can PR the next time you do Fran.

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Get your One Hand Handstand Push Ups in 2015!

Got any fitness or Crossfit New Year's resolutions? How about making 2015 the year you master the One Hand Handstand Push Up. Follow this illustrated progression on your way to adding this unique gymnastic skill and strength piece to your skill set:

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Mental Rules For CrossFit: 3 Tips From Camille Leblanc-Bazinet

It takes more than just strength, stamina, and flawless technique to win the CrossFit Games. Mental toughness is probably the most important part of an elite athlete's arsenal. 2014 CrossFit Games winner Camille Leblanc-Bazinet has developed one of the strongest mindsets out there, and she shares her 3 mental rules to help you push through the suck on your way to glory.

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Top 8 Snatch Mistakes with Rich Froning

The guys at Barbell Shrugged and 4x CrossFit Games winner Rich Froning want to fix your snatch. Check out their video as they walk you through the top 8 mistakes people make when snatching. And be sure to check out all of the great podcasts by Barbell Shrugged covering all things crossfit, weighltifting, and health/fitness related.

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