The 3 Best and 3 Worst CrossFit Workouts

Not all WODs are created equal. Just because a workout "kicks your ass" doesn't mean it's benefited you, or helped you in any way to become stronger, faster, fitter, etc. Sometimes those WODs that break you down are actually doing more harm than good. Breaking Muscle has scoured through hundreds of WODs and they've figured out The 3 Best and 3 Worst CrossFit Workouts.

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U.S. News Ranks The Best And Worst Diets Of 2015

For a lot of people the start of a new year means getting in better shape; and oftentimes a big part of this plan is a change in diet. These days it seems like there are more diets than Jelly Belly flavors, and who really has the time to try them all? Earlier this year U.S. News released their list of the "top diets for 2015". We were shocked to not only see so many diets we've never even heard of make this "list", but also where certain diets ended up being ranked and their reason for being "ranked" so...

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