10 Reasons to REALLY Date a Crossfitter

The bar, online, cafes, and bookstores are all different places that you can meet the new love of your life; but what about the local CrossFit gym? What makes the people in there sweating through their workouts worth dating, and why should you be looking for for love in between WODs? Fitness and Health blogger Ashley Palmer gives the 10 best reasons why you should be dating a Crossfitter.

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Is CrossFit the new Cupid?

Love is in the air and we're not talking about burpees! Crossfitters have gotten quite a reputation for not only being some of the sexiest people, but also for the dating scene and romances that have been kindled in between WODs. This Valentine's Day the New York Daily News poses the question: Is CrossFit the new Cupid?

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You Should Be Dating a Crossfit Girl. Here's Why.

Dating is always an interesting scene that can present different challenges for many people. Being a member of the crossfit community has made dating a much easier and less complex experience. As a crossfitter you're automatically a part of a close knit group of beautiful people who from day 1 you share a whole range of emotions and personal success and failures with. Along with this camaraderie comes the whole slew of shared interests and outlook on life. Oh and did I mention beautiful people? Crossfit blogger Pam Rehal shares her top reasons why you need to be dating a...

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