The Second Pull Blog — recovery


With all of the mobility work you do as a Crossfitter, do you ever wonder what's actually happening with your body as you go through each different stretch? You can feel the pulling, popping, cracking, and loosening, but can you pinpoint exactly which muscles are being worked? This amazing illustrated guide by David Wolfe shows you exactly which muscle groups are being stretched for a wide variety of common stretches. Use this guide to help you target areas of your body that need to be worked on to improve your performance in the gym, and overall health and wellness.

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Where Do I Put This Damn Lacrosse Ball?

So you got your lacrosse ball ready, and you're dead set on using it to roll out all of those gunky areas no matter how uncomfortable you know it's going to feel. You lay the ball on the ground, lie back on it, and then start to squirm around like a fish out of water. 

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Chocolate Banana Almond Butter Blast

Use your Stronger Faster Healthier Recovery to whip up this super simple yet delicious and healthy smoothie to enjoy after a hard WOD.

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Getting Stronger: Keep it Simple

As athletes we all want to be stronger. We want those 315 lbs. resting on our back to feel light. We want to go unbroken doing a set of heavy push presses. And we're also willing to put in the time and hard work to get there. What we may be unsure of is how to get all of this. Our friend, Strong(wo)man, coach, and overall badass Kristin Newman shows how simple it can be to get strong (and swole!). A quick internet search brings up a plethora of strength programs, all promising BIG GAINZ and the endless love of...

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