WOD Mechanics: 8 Easy Fixes to PR Your Fran Time

"What's your Fran time?" This question is asked in CrossFit boxes from New York to New Zealand and everywhere in between. Fran is one of those special WODs that pushes you to your physical and mental limits; and where shaving off even 1 second is a huge success. Try applying these 8 easy fixes to your training and see if you can PR the next time you do Fran.

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Get your One Hand Handstand Push Ups in 2015!

Got any fitness or Crossfit New Year's resolutions? How about making 2015 the year you master the One Hand Handstand Push Up. Follow this illustrated progression on your way to adding this unique gymnastic skill and strength piece to your skill set:

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Getting Stronger: Keep it Simple

As athletes we all want to be stronger. We want those 315 lbs. resting on our back to feel light. We want to go unbroken doing a set of heavy push presses. And we're also willing to put in the time and hard work to get there. What we may be unsure of is how to get all of this. Our friend, Strong(wo)man, coach, and overall badass Kristin Newman shows how simple it can be to get strong (and swole!). A quick internet search brings up a plethora of strength programs, all promising BIG GAINZ and the endless love of...

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A Quick And Easy Fix That'll Have You Falling in Love With Running in No Time

Why do we as crossfitters always seem to loath running? We honestly can’t say it’s because it's “too hard”. I mean come on, we lift heavy things repeatedly, climb up ropes hanging from 20 foot beams, do insane amounts of pull ups, double-under so much and so fast we lose count of our reps, and we do all of these and more over and over again. I think it’s safe to say the reason we hate running is because most of us suck at it. Running effectively and efficiently is a skill that is often overlooked or completely ignored because...

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