Regionals Recap

This past weekend saw the fitness frenzy and whirlwind of WODs otherwise known as the CrossFit Regionals come to a close. For the past 4 weeks athletes in 17 regions around the world fought tooth and nail for just a handful of qualifying spots to the 2014 Reebok CrossFit Games. The regional events and programming this year took a more traditional CrossFit turn, and it showed in some very surprising results. Gymnastics, body weight movements, agility, and endurance took center stage which played into the favor of some athletes more than others. In the past a regional workout featuring heavy...

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The Crossfitters Guide to the North Central CrossFit Regionals (May 9 - 11)

The 2014 North Central CrossFit Regionals are taking place at the Navy Pier in Chicago May 9th-11th and if you're looking to head over to the Windy City for some great competition, here's a few things to make your stay even more enjoyable. Things to Do (Between Competitions) Chicago's citizens are very proud of their city, which is known for its diverse architecture, history, and devotion to industry and growth. Take in the highest view from the Willis Tower, then get back down to earth to take a look around Millennium Park and the Cloud Gate, fondly known as “the...

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