Squat Depth: The Final Answer

"Ass to Grass!". For most of us breaking parallel in your squat is a requirement for a good rep; but is this really the best way for everyone to squat? Since all of our bodies and mechanics are different in so many ways, maybe we should rethink the depth each of us needs to be squatting in order to build strength and muscle, but in safe way that doesn't put you at any unnecessary risk. The pros at T-Nation have come up with a bunch of very useful and insightful tests that you can do to determine how low you should be squatting to maximize your lift...

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Portraits At the Bottom of The Squat a.k.a. "The Hole"

Do you know what your squat face looks like? Is it pretty or is it scary? In his latest body of work action sports photographer Philip Haynes has captured the face of crossfitters fighting to get out of "the hole", and his work has produced some priceless expressions. We've all been there at some point so you know the feeling and now you can see the faces that go with them.

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