The Best Paleo Pumpkin Pie

What's the Holidays without Pumpkin Pie? If you're anything like us, during the Holidays you probably wish you could eat a slice of this perfectly sweet and spiced goodness every day! But like your mom probably told you: "everything in moderation". Well our favorite Paleo "Mom" aka The Paleo Mom has whipped up the recipe for "The Best Paleo Pumpkin Pie". From her family to yours, enjoy and Happy Holidays!

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Paleo Labor Day Menu

Labor Day and good food have always gone hand in hand. We've put together a Paleo menu pulled from our favorite Paleo gurus for you and your family to enjoy this Labor Day. Just good healthy food that won't have you dying in the gym the day after!    

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Sweet Potato Pasta with Figs, Prosciutto & Goat Cheese

If you have a craving for a delicious plate of pasta but want to keep it Paleo, you NEED to try this savory dish from the Civilized Caveman. Hearty sweet potatoes spiraled into long pasta like noodles, topped with salty prosciutto and sweet figs & tied together with the creamy goodness of goat cheese. Nom nom nom! 

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Chocolate Banana Almond Butter Blast

Use your Stronger Faster Healthier Recovery to whip up this super simple yet delicious and healthy smoothie to enjoy after a hard WOD.

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