The Second Pull Blog — olympic

A Day in the Life of Lauren Fisher

Lauren Fisher is only 20 years old, but has already made a name for herself – representing Team USA at the 2014 Junior World Weightlifting Championship and placing 9th at the 2014 CrossFit Games. (And she has huge ambitions for the future!) To get a better understanding what drives this unstoppable athlete, we spent a day with Lauren to find out more about how she trains, eats and stays focused on her goals.

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5 Reasons Why Women Should Lift Weights

There's nothing sexier than a strong woman who can lift. One of the most beautiful things to see is a woman moving some heavy weight with grace and power. Mainstream society and culture has been slow to embrace this, and there is a serious misconception that weight lifting will make a woman "bulky" or "look like a man". Thankfully the emergence and popularity of CrossFit has fostered a community that creates and celebrates strong women. Find out the 5 reasons why women should lift weights according to Olympic Weightlifter and CrossFit coach Meshelle Mifsud. One thing I must give credit...

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