Sh*t You Can Only Say to Crossfit Girls

In our society there are certain things that are acceptable to say to a woman, and certain things that will get you a well deserved slap across the face. In the Crossfit community many of those social norms get thrown right out the window creating some very uncomfortable and awkward moments for those who aren't in the know. Here's a list of some of those things you can say to a Crossfit girl without insulting her and getting smacked. Nice rack! Hey, you want some of my meat? Your hands are so rough! Can you clean this for me? Did...

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5 Reasons Why Women Should Lift Weights

There's nothing sexier than a strong woman who can lift. One of the most beautiful things to see is a woman moving some heavy weight with grace and power. Mainstream society and culture has been slow to embrace this, and there is a serious misconception that weight lifting will make a woman "bulky" or "look like a man". Thankfully the emergence and popularity of CrossFit has fostered a community that creates and celebrates strong women. Find out the 5 reasons why women should lift weights according to Olympic Weightlifter and CrossFit coach Meshelle Mifsud. One thing I must give credit...

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