The Second Pull Blog — wodwell

WODwell and Box Basics Go Head to Head in the CrossFit Benchmark WOD "Jeremy"

We were able to get in a great workout with our good friends from WODwell a few weekends ago. Using their idea of "Being a better CrossFitter…one WOD at a time" we both tackled the CrossFit benchmark WOD "Jeremy". Jeremy is a close relative of Fran and consists of overhead squats and burpees done in the same 21-15-9 rep scheme. Enjoy our suffering and be sure catch all the old and new WODwell videos. Check out WODwell and their YouTube channel for more videos. You can also like them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter @wodwell.

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WOD Well breaks down Crossfit Open workout 14.4

 Crossfit Open workout 14.4 turned out to be one of the more fun Open WODs I've had the "pleasure" of doing. I guess I have a thing for chippers and I was comfortable with all of the movements involved. With that said I still think I could've done better by coming up with a strategy beforehand and following it throughout the entire 14 minutes of work. This feeling of "I should've been able to do more" or "What would I do differently next time" is pretty common among crossfitters. We're always looking for ways to move better, push harder, and...

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