7 Principles of Prepping for the 2015 CrossFit Games Open

The 2015 CrossFit Games season is about to begin with the first leg of competition set to kick off in less than 3 weeks: the CrossFit Open. Each year the training of every athlete who participates is put to the test, and this year's Open will see a lot of new changes; but what will not change are the challenges, triumphs, and cheers during each Open workout. The Open is different for every crossfitter who chooses to take on the physical and mental demands of each WOD, so the guys at Juggernaut Training Systems have put together 7 great principles...

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4 Keys To Picking The Right Physical Therapist

Getting hurt sucks and no one ever plans to get injured. The only thing we end up having control over is our recovery. We have the power to rehabilitate at the pace we want under the supervision of the physical therapist we feel can help us get back quickest to the sport we love. Crossfitter, Physical Therapist, Army Captain, MobilityWOD Instructor, and friend of Box Basics Danny Matta offers some tips you can use if you ever find yourself injured and looking for a physical therapist: One of the most enjoyable parts of teaching the Movement and Mobility Trainer Course...

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