The Second Pull Blog — crossfit open

5 Hacks to Compete at Your Best in the CrossFit Open

Most of us will not be making it to the 2015 CrossFit Games; but that doesn't mean we can't crush the Open this year, and have a blast while doing so. The good folks at WOD Talk Magazine list 5 very easy hacks you can use to perform at your absolute best in the Open this year.

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The Sport of Fitness Goes Pro: The Rise of the National Pro Grid League.

Another CrossFit Games season has come to a close leaving fans of functional fitness with an appetite to witness, cheer on, and experience more feats of human strength, will power, and heroics. Being the only show in town the CrossFit Games has turned into the biggest crossfit spectator event, but this may not be the case for long with the emergence of the National Pro Grid League (NPGL). Don’t let the name of the NPGL fool you, this is crossfit. The movements are the same, the workouts are the same, and the suffering and glory are the same. The biggest...

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WOD Well breaks down Crossfit Open workout 14.4

 Crossfit Open workout 14.4 turned out to be one of the more fun Open WODs I've had the "pleasure" of doing. I guess I have a thing for chippers and I was comfortable with all of the movements involved. With that said I still think I could've done better by coming up with a strategy beforehand and following it throughout the entire 14 minutes of work. This feeling of "I should've been able to do more" or "What would I do differently next time" is pretty common among crossfitters. We're always looking for ways to move better, push harder, and...

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Rowing Tips To Help You Fly Through Open Workout 14.4

Much to my surprise it was announced that rowing would be making its first ever appearance in the Crossfit Open. Like running, crossfitters have unfairly cast rowing into the shadows as far as exercises go. But like running, rowing is a highly technical movement and when performed incorrectly will slow you down and potentially cause you harm. Shane Farmer of CrossFit Rowing has put out some very useful videos offering you rowing strategies and tips to help you improve your rowing and crush Open Workout 14.4!

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