The Second Pull Blog — improve

WOD Mechanics: 8 Easy Fixes to PR Your Fran Time

"What's your Fran time?" This question is asked in CrossFit boxes from New York to New Zealand and everywhere in between. Fran is one of those special WODs that pushes you to your physical and mental limits; and where shaving off even 1 second is a huge success. Try applying these 8 easy fixes to your training and see if you can PR the next time you do Fran.

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6 Powerful Ways CrossFit Changes Lives

By now, we’ve all heard the negatives that seem to accompany CrossFit: it’s dangerous, it leads to injury, it makes you bulk up … but what about the other side of the coin? What is it about CrossFit that's got everyone talking? Many people who stumble into this world of CrossFit emerge as changed people. I’m not talking about the physical changes. (Though of course, they're a bonus!) For CrossFitters, the greatest transformation is in the mind. I’d like to share some of the shifts I have witnessed firsthand, in everyday people, after two and a half years of running...

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