Why Your Jerk Sucks

Are you consistently having issues with successfully completing your jerk? Anton Jefferson (Olympic Weightlifting coach and founder of OLift Magazine) breaks down the common errors we make when jerking, and gives you 3 quick ways to improve your jerk now. According to Andrew Charniga’s translated Soviet text, “The jerk is missed 50% of the time in International competitions.” If this is true for the world’s best lifters, I know it’s way more prevalent on the local and national level. Many lifters can clean a bunch of weight, but that doesn’t matter if you suck at the jerk. There are so many...

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Top 8 Snatch Mistakes with Rich Froning

The guys at Barbell Shrugged and 4x CrossFit Games winner Rich Froning want to fix your snatch. Check out their video as they walk you through the top 8 mistakes people make when snatching. And be sure to check out all of the great podcasts by Barbell Shrugged covering all things crossfit, weighltifting, and health/fitness related.

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