The Second Pull Blog — lifting

Why Your Jerk Sucks

Are you consistently having issues with successfully completing your jerk? Anton Jefferson (Olympic Weightlifting coach and founder of OLift Magazine) breaks down the common errors we make when jerking, and gives you 3 quick ways to improve your jerk now. According to Andrew Charniga’s translated Soviet text, “The jerk is missed 50% of the time in International competitions.” If this is true for the world’s best lifters, I know it’s way more prevalent on the local and national level. Many lifters can clean a bunch of weight, but that doesn’t matter if you suck at the jerk. There are so many...

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Getting Stronger: Keep it Simple

As athletes we all want to be stronger. We want those 315 lbs. resting on our back to feel light. We want to go unbroken doing a set of heavy push presses. And we're also willing to put in the time and hard work to get there. What we may be unsure of is how to get all of this. Our friend, Strong(wo)man, coach, and overall badass Kristin Newman shows how simple it can be to get strong (and swole!). A quick internet search brings up a plethora of strength programs, all promising BIG GAINZ and the endless love of...

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5 Reasons Why Women Should Lift Weights

There's nothing sexier than a strong woman who can lift. One of the most beautiful things to see is a woman moving some heavy weight with grace and power. Mainstream society and culture has been slow to embrace this, and there is a serious misconception that weight lifting will make a woman "bulky" or "look like a man". Thankfully the emergence and popularity of CrossFit has fostered a community that creates and celebrates strong women. Find out the 5 reasons why women should lift weights according to Olympic Weightlifter and CrossFit coach Meshelle Mifsud. One thing I must give credit...

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