Big Name Individuals Going Team in 2015

With the 2015 CrossFit Regional events kicking off this week, The Rx Review is taking a look at some of the big names who are going team in 2015 as well as some of the powerhouse teams to look out for this year. More than 150 athletes worldwide declined individual invitations to their regional event and have opted to compete as part of a team instead. The most anticipated move of course comes from the "Fittest Man on Earth" since 2011, Rich Froning Jr. After claiming his fourth CrossFit Games victory in 2014, Froning announced that he would be shifting...

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5 Hacks to Compete at Your Best in the CrossFit Open

Most of us will not be making it to the 2015 CrossFit Games; but that doesn't mean we can't crush the Open this year, and have a blast while doing so. The good folks at WOD Talk Magazine list 5 very easy hacks you can use to perform at your absolute best in the Open this year.

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7 Principles of Prepping for the 2015 CrossFit Games Open

The 2015 CrossFit Games season is about to begin with the first leg of competition set to kick off in less than 3 weeks: the CrossFit Open. Each year the training of every athlete who participates is put to the test, and this year's Open will see a lot of new changes; but what will not change are the challenges, triumphs, and cheers during each Open workout. The Open is different for every crossfitter who chooses to take on the physical and mental demands of each WOD, so the guys at Juggernaut Training Systems have put together 7 great principles...

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Rich Froning's 6 Tips to Get Fit and Stay That Way

After capturing 4 straight CrossFit Games titles it's safe to say that Rich Froning knows a thing or two about getting fit. So when he offers some tips on how to get in better shape and maintain a high level of health and fitness you listen. Take these 6 tips from Froning himself, and apply them to your training and daily life to see the results. 1. Have a go-to bodyweight routine. A bodyweight workout you can automatically do on a travel day or when you're stuck inside is essential, Froning says. Here's his: 5 rounds of 20 reps each of push-ups,...

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