The Bacon Hall of Fame

It's about time that the greatest food product ever had it's own Hall of Fame. Succulent, salty, and sweet all at the same time; bacon is the magic ingredient that can make any other food taste even better. With so many amazing bacon inspired and infused dishes out there, we worked long and hard eating our way through many deserving nominees. Without further ado here is the Bacon Hall of Fame Class of 2014: 1. Bacon-Wrapped Alligator With A Chicken In Its Mouth To be honest we're not sure whats going on here, but we know we LOVE it! 2....

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Portraits At the Bottom of The Squat a.k.a. "The Hole"

Do you know what your squat face looks like? Is it pretty or is it scary? In his latest body of work action sports photographer Philip Haynes has captured the face of crossfitters fighting to get out of "the hole", and his work has produced some priceless expressions. We've all been there at some point so you know the feeling and now you can see the faces that go with them.

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Crushin' WODs Playlist

Music and working out have always gone hand in hand; and when it comes to crossfitting music matters a lot. The right music can get you in the mood to tackle a tough chipper or the mindset to PR your squat. Music drives, inspires, and moves us in ways that few things can. Here's our list (in no particular order) of our favorite background music when we crush WODs. Be sure to share your playlist and your top songs to crossfit to! Guerrilla Radio - Rage Against The Machine Thunder Clap - Adventure Club Party Up (Up In Here) -...

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Rich Froning's 6 Tips to Get Fit and Stay That Way

After capturing 4 straight CrossFit Games titles it's safe to say that Rich Froning knows a thing or two about getting fit. So when he offers some tips on how to get in better shape and maintain a high level of health and fitness you listen. Take these 6 tips from Froning himself, and apply them to your training and daily life to see the results. 1. Have a go-to bodyweight routine. A bodyweight workout you can automatically do on a travel day or when you're stuck inside is essential, Froning says. Here's his: 5 rounds of 20 reps each of push-ups,...

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